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Home / Infrastruktur

Jumat, 15 November 2019 - 09:08 WIB

Automated Containers Make Organic Urban Farming Feasible

Another opportunity for the Seedo technology is to improve the agriculture of at-risk countries, where global warming and other concerns threaten consistent farming and food production.

Another opportunity for the Seedo technology is to improve the agriculture of at-risk countries, where global warming and other concerns threaten consistent farming and food production.

The future of agriculture can be found in commercial containers, in which plants can be grown hydroponically.

Hydroponic farming has many benefits, including saving the resources involved in soil cultivation and avoiding the uncertainty of weather conditions, according to Seedo, an innovator in the field of commercial growth containers.

Approximately 40 percent of the costs of produce in large city supermarkets are used to cover logistics and shipping. Commercial containers such as those from Seedo would expand the potential for urban farming to anywhere, anytime. Plants can be cultivated 24/7, regardless of location.

For example, the automated urban farm is ideally suited to the growing market for medical cannabis and medical cannabis products. Seedo is the technology behind the world’s first automated medical cannabis farm, which will yield significantly more plants than traditional controlled greenhouses.

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Another opportunity for the Seedo technology is to improve the agriculture of at-risk countries, where global warming and other concerns threaten consistent farming and food production.

In some areas, farmers can use Seedo equipment and technology for growing not only medicinal herbs, but also greens such as lettuce, kale, and wheatgrass; herbs such as parsley, dill, and basil; and vegetables such as cherry tomatoes and bell peppers, and even strawberries. In the home, individuals can set up a small unit that grows plants easily and effectively without intervention.

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Seedo, a pioneer in agriculture and technology with 20 years of experience, is now delivering indoor growth systems to homes and businesses across the country. Currently, Seedo has sold more than 3,000 home units through pre-orders.

The Seedo products use artificial intelligence software to control and monitor plant development from the moment the seed is planted. The software tracks each plant’s development, and responds by taking action to optimize growth. The hermetically sealed systems are designed to yield consistent results regardless of the local climate.

Growers need only to plant seeds or seedlings and monitor the growth process via the Seedo app.

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Other features of the Seedo system include a unique lighting system that self-adjusts based on an individual plant’s stage of growth, and a smell-proof cover with built-in CO2 cartridges to prevent smell leaks.

Equally important to note is that all produce cultivated with Seedo’s technology (both home and commercial) is pesticide-free, of high quality, and has a significantly extended shelf life.

Visit for more information about investing in the growth industry of indoor gardening, and to learn more about the Seedo technology and products.

Seedo is a publicly traded company with the ticker symbol OTCQB:SEDO.

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